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what is fatty liver disease?

Function of the liver

Fatty liver disease stems from all the toxins our bdies have to deal with on a daily basis. Our liver is an important organ that has multiple jobs to do.

  • Filters blood from the digestive tract

  • Makes blood cloating possible

  • Produces bile

  • Turns food into valuable nutrients

  • Distrputs said nutrients through out the body via the blood stream

  • Breaking down and discarding an over abundance of hormones

  • Creates a reserve of vitamins and minerals for when the body needs them

  • Rids the body of toxic waste left behind after foods are broken down

  • Produces  triglycerides and cholesterol

  • Converts carbohydrates into glucose to be used as energy when needed

  • The liver works with other organs like the stomach, spleen and gallbladder.

  • Removes toxins left behind from foods and other substances

Learn more about fatty liver disease here.

Toxins We are exposed to every day

Every day we are exposed to toxins more than ever before. Here are some ways.

  • Beauty care products

  • Food

  • Beverages

  • Cleaning products

  • Poor indoor air quality

  • Pesticides

  • Chem trails

  • Plastics

  • Toothpaste

  • Toxins in the outdoor air

  • Poor drinking water

  • Synthetic fragrances

  • Heating food in plastic or styrofoam containers

Regeneration of the liver

Good news is that the liver can regenerate itself and we can give it some help. by being aware of the toxins we are exposed to we can make wiser choices as to what we expose our bodies to. There are also some supplements we can take to support the liver, so it can function better. Disclaimer: I am not a health care professional and this information is for educationally purposes. Consult with a good health care professional before taking.

These are supplements that me an my husband take on a regular basis.

milk thistle

Milk Thistle is available in a variety of forms, be sure it's organic

Milk Thistle contains an antioxidant designed to cleanse the body. It is also an anti-inflammatory which provides the liver with protection against toxins. not only does it assit with healing the liver, but also in encouraging the growth of new cells.

Learn more here and here.

Purcahse Milk Thistle

Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root has been used for liver detoxifcation and support for years. effects of free radicals. in our bodies. It also encourages the production of bile Which in turn not only aids with digestion, but also in elminating toxins from the body rapidly while cleansing the liver.

Dandelion Root also induces urination which aids with extracting water soluble waste products like hormones found in our food, medications, drugs, chemicals along with other toxins we come in contact with. Learn more here and here.

I remember as a child, growing up in Chicago everyone removing the dandelions from the grass saying they were weeds and need to go. I must have known something in my younger years as I would pull them and put them in a bucket of water with some other natural items, let it sit then go back and drink some of it.

All the parts of Dandelion can be used. Thr potency depends on what time of year it is harvested. Dandelion can be used to make wine, ttea,extracts. The flowers are often used in salads due to their nutritional benefits. Dandelion is a bitter making excellent to condume before a meal, it does have a bitter taste. When using the root it is important to steep the roots in hot water for 20 minutes, add after the water has been boiled and turn off the heat.

These are brands that we buy in bulk. They should be removed from the package, put in a glass jar with a plastic lid and stored in a cool dark space. This will allow the herbs to not just stay fresh longer, but maintain their medicinal properties.

The tea bags can be used as any other tea bag in brewing. The brand below can be purchased at local stores in Louisiana.

Disclaimer: This information is for educational purposes.Be sure to read the links under each herbs to learn about precautions and always consult with a good health care provider befor taking herbs.

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Aug 10
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

I talked to my doctor a long time ago, asking if there was something to take to keep the liver healthy. She didn’t have a clue.

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