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Joyce Wheeler

Joyce Wheeler heavenly bodies.png

I was born and raised in the city of Chicago. I was married in 1990 and moved into a basement apartment with my husband and he's 2 year old son. 

It was a two bedroom apartment, in 1991 I gave birth to my daughter. There was an alcove outside of my step son's room. There was enough room to store my daughter's toddler bed and some of her toys.

In 1993 I started decluttering and organizing in order to keep things tidy. I used to watch a show about decluttering and organizing and learned about the 1 year rule. I started to apply the 1 year rule, if you haven't used within a year get rid of it. I also put a plan in action to control the toys. Twice a year I would go through toys and get rid of anything no longer being played with, was broken or was no longer age appropriate.

In 1996 I had my son and needed a place for him to sleep. We moved my step son's bedroom wall, so we now had two spaces of equal size. My husband built my daughter a loft bed so we could place my son's crib along the wall without effecting  each other's bed access.

Also during the same year I started homeschooling my daughter which meant more stuff.  I had a wicker cabinet in the kitchen which I cleared a place for our homeschool materials. 

In 1998 I had my youngest son and was once again faced with where was this child going to sleep? There was a closet in the space where my daughter and son were. I removed the doors and relocated everything in the closet, the crib fit perfectly.

My Obsession With Decluttering & Organizing

I became obsessed with decluttering and organizing shows back in the 90s. I would watch whatever and when ever I could. I learned new techniques some worked for me others did not and I began to do my own thing. 

Living A Holistic Lifestyle

In 2010 I started living a holistic lifestyle and learned about different healing modalities. I also learned ways I could stay healthy. One of my passions is energy work for wellness and our natural energy field can be impacted positively or negatively. Clutter carries a negative energy and therefore has a negative impact on are health. With my passion for teaching individuals how to maximize their health for a better quality of life holistically.


I started Tri-Parish Decluttering Services in 2023 utilizing my knowledge and passion for helping others live a healthier life.

Nursery Decor
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